ACC and Covenants |
What is Architectural Control?
Architectural control in Highland Pointe is specified by the covenants to which all homeowners are bound, regardless of whether or not the homeowner is an association member. If you plan to make any changes to your property that are visible to one or more neighbors, even if you are not an association member, you are still bound by your covenants to have those changes approved by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). Consult the Highland Pointe covenants to see if your changes are allowed.
Architectural Control Committee
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is the Highland Pointe Board of Directors, headed up by the ACC Director. If you are changing your property, you must submit a complete Architectural Change Request along with paperwork detailing the modifications to be made to the ACC. While the lists displayed below are by no means complete, they should give you a better idea of what constitutes a change to your property. Failure to file ACC paperwork or making changes to your property without proper ACC approval will result in fines. In addition to these fines, per our covenants, the Board may request for you to revert your home to its original condition, record a notice of violation with Cobb County, and/or pursue additional legal actions.
What Constitutes a Property Change?
The following constitute changes to your property (this is not an exhaustive list).
The following do not constitute a change to your property:
Rule of thumb: If you are not making substantial changes to your home (same color, landscaping, etc.), you do not need approval.
How to Request ACC Approval?
The process for requesting ACC approval of a change is formally outlined in your covenants. Here's the short version.
Fines for NOT following ACC protocol are below (this is not an exhaustive list):
• Not filling out ACC paperwork: $25 • Replacing your deck with a different design: $100 • Building an addition onto your home: $100 • Adding a retaining wall or terracing: $100 • Extending your driveway: $100 • Changing the color of your home: $100 • Adding a fence of any type: $100 • Cutting down trees: $100 • Changing any hardscapes: $100 Questions? Email