Highland Pointe Highland Pointe
Residents Only
Swim Team

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HP Piranhas Summer 2024
Online Registration via SwimTopia  opens March 10th and closes April 28th.    
Daily practices will begin Monday, May 6th in the afternoons, and switch to mornings on May 28th.  We will have 1 swim meet in May and 4 swim meets in June. For more detailed information about practice times and meets, please visit the SwimTopia site.
Young swimmers should be able to swim without assistance to compete, but it is not required that they swim a pool length to start.  You do not have to be able to a attend all of the practices or swim meets in order to participate. Highland Pointe residents and residents of Mountain Creek, Highland Ridge Estates, and Wigley Preserve must be members of HPRA in order to participate.
We will also offer a Rookie League for ages 4-6 starting at the end of May for those swimmers that do not wish to compete. 
Visit us on Facebook: Highland Pointe Swim Team.  
Questions, contact Beverly Weld or Joy Young at highlandpointeswim@gmail.com